Garlic. Causes bad breath however is extremely beneficial. It should preferably be consumed uncooked.

Chicken soup. The magical nostrums has been shown to help fighting viral infections.

Spinach. Rich in folic acid, vitamins A, B, C, iron, calcium, potassium. It has antioxidant, anti-aging action and anticancer activity.

Broccoli. Detoxifies body and prevents inflammation. Has anticancer activity. Is a great source of vitamin C, calcium, zinc, copper, phosphorus, selenium.

Honey, pollen, royal gelly. 3 magic products that build immunity. They considered as super foods and they give well-being.

Orange and grapefruit. Both contains vitamin C, however the second predominates because contains less sugar. Acts against free radicals and reduces the intensity of inflammation.

Olive oil. It has antioxidant activity. Important food is and olive witch contains 60 times more calcium and 10 times more phosphorus. Olive oil is rich in vitamin E and polyunsaturated fatty acids that helps heart.

Mountain Tea. It has been shown that tea from Olympus has a beneficial effect against the cold, is antioxidant, diuretic and detoxifying. Unlike the English tea does not have a stimulatory effect and thus can be consumed even evening. Acts protective against Alzheimer.

Yoghurt maintains the balance of microbial flora of the intestinal mucosa. Prefer genuinely traditional yoghurt containing Lactobacillus.

Fish. We should consume at least 2 times a week fatty fish such as sardines, salmon, herring, mackerel. They have omega 3 witch strengthens the immune and reduces inflammation. It has proven that diet deficient in omega 3 weakens the immune and favors the depression

Mary Pan, Clinical Biologist
excellent work Mary!
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