1. Sugar is hiding everywhere in all snacks and all packaged foods. Causes a rapid rise in blood glucose, skin aging, fine lines on face, destroys the teeth and cause decay . Instead of a snack with sugar eat a fruit which is rich in antioxidants , vitamins , fiber . Sugar is highly addictive and is likened by many to hard drugs .

2. White flour increases very quickly the blood sugar level. Lacks vitamin B complex, magnesium, phosphorus, provides only starch and many calories . Low levels of vitamin B can cause sense of exhaustion, depresion, nervousness. The consumption leads to lipogenesis , increases the risk of heart attack because of fat , and calcium elimination in urine . Glucose competes the intake of vitamin C in cells. So we become very vulnerable to diseases. Capillaries become more fragile and this has a harmful effect on our health.

3. Salt causes high blood presure. The increased intake leads to the development of degenerative diseases such as coronary heart disease and osteoporosis and this because the increased intake of sodium leads to increased excretion of calcium.

Therefore the only way to guard against all these is to prepare our meals by selecting always fresh fruits and seasonal vegetables . We should limit packaged food and prefer whole grain products so as to get vitamins and fiber.
Mary Pan, Clinical Biologist
so informative!!excellent article Mary
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