An eggcontains6grof proteinandonly70calories.youcanboiland keep themin abowlin the refrigeratorfora couple ofdaysso they arereadyat any time.
Νuts. All kinds as long as they are uncooked and unsalted. Nuts are richin fiberso as to causethefeeling of satiety. They giveenergy to the body. Rich in protein.Also contains vitaminE.
Sheep'syogurtis idealsnackBut afterremoving theuppersas it hasa lot of fat.Theshareholding hasupto 20gr of protein.You canaccompanywithfruit,cereals,honey,nuts.Ifyou do not likethis typeyoghurtcan choose thecow's.
Lentils.Are rich inprotein, fiber,metals.Alsoare low incaloriesandalmostno fat.A cup ofcookedlentilshas about20grof protein and300calories.Thelittle timeofpreparationmaking them idealfor bothsnacksand formain course.Not a fewpeopledealingwithbodybuilding haveit as snacksin small portionsinthefridge.
Peanut butterhas about7grof proteinpertwotablespoons.The advantage is thatthere are no saturated fatandthis makes itasuperhealthy snack. Fearlesslyconsumeaslice ofwhole grain breadwithbananapieces.Perfecttasteandis one of myfavorites!
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